Yoro Falls 2


There are times when a curry made with a lot of ingenuity can lose out to a curry made exactly according to the instructions.I bought various filters and spent a lot of money, but it feels good to start in pitch darkness and go down the mountain at 5:30 without using a filter.

 In the summer when I returned home satisfied after killing a ranker-sized fish in Lake Biwa in a few throws, I remembered that feeling.I took a detour and wasted my money, but when it came to results, it was a logical and simple route.

あれこれ創意工夫して作ったカレーが説明書どおりキッチリ作ったカレーに負けることってあるよね フィルター類を色々買ってだいぶ金も使っておいて何だが、真っ暗闇から始めてフィルターを使うまでもなく5:30下山とゆう暴挙が気持ち良い

琵琶湖でランカーサイズを数投で仕留め満足して帰宅した夏、私はあの感じを思い出していた 遠回りして無駄遣いもしたが結果が出るときは理にかなったシンプルな道筋だった

・Read the D7500 manual carefully.
 By setting the picture control to landscape (LS), rock surfaces and greenery can be expressed in rich colors.

 You can choose MP4 or MOV for the video, but now I'm quitting the iPhone and saving it as .mp4 because it's a Chinese Android.The problem of the audio disappearing on Instagram has been resolved.

 The waterfall is vertically long, but the video should be taken horizontally! It's supposed to be viewed on a TV Unlike photos, it doesn't rotate automatically.Also, 4K has a narrow angle of view and the entire waterfall can't be seen, so full HD should be used.Converting with a smartphone will result in a shabby video, so edit it in the camera.

 I learned so much in one week from Yoro Falls
 you probably already know

 It was around 4:20 when I opened the aperture in pitch darkness, exposed for 30 seconds, and managed to take a single shot.After that, I was relieved every time I saw the ISO on the monitor.


動画はMP4とMOVが選べるが今はiPhoneをやめて中華Androidなので.mp4で保存する Instagramで音声が消える不具合は解消された

滝は縦長だが動画は横で撮ること!テレビで観る想定だ 写真と異なり自動回転はされない また4Kは画角が狭く滝全体が入らないからフルHDも活用すべし スマホで変換するとショボい動画になるからカメラ内で編集する


真っ暗闇のなかで絞り開放、30秒露光して何とか1枚撮れたのが4:20頃です それからはISOをモニターで見るたびに安堵した

Light that changes every moment, color temperature adjustment is lagging
 Shooting can proceed quickly with the release
 Thank you! this purchase was right

 Taki's SS is 1/6 second Nagashi Somen Ibonoito (laugh); It seems that dynamism comes out at 1/15 seconds


滝のSSは1/6秒で流しそうめん揖保乃糸(笑) 1/15秒になると躍動感が出てくるようだ



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