
Finally, we can compete with smartphones with the AF-S Nikkor 24mm f/1.8g, a single focal length lens that lets you see "What did you eat?" Close-up shot of yellowtail sashimi at ISO280 f/2.2, which is nice as it's getting colder.

ようやくスマホに並び対抗できるようになりました 「何を食べた?」が映える単焦点レンズAF-S Nikkor 24mm f/1.8gです ISO280 f/2.2で接写、ブリ刺身は寒くなってきたしいいですね

I also took some photos at Meitetsu Nagoya Station to get a feel for the characteristics of the lens.Is f/2.2 easy to use indoors? With Micro40mm, f/3.2 looked good, but since this lens only uses the center part, I think the bokeh is suppressed, and since it is different from macro and normal, f/2.2 SS1/60sec is noticeable outside. If you don't put it on, you'll get a whiteout 

レンズの特性を掴むべく名鉄名古屋駅でも写してみましたf/2.2が室内では使いやすいところかな?Micro40mmではf/3.2が良さげでしたがこのレンズでは中央部しか使っていないことからボケが抑え目になっているものと判断、マクロとは違うしノーマルだからf/2.2 SS1/60sec 外では気をつけないとホワイトアウトします

Originally, I would like to use a 16-80mm zoom lens for this purpose, but today I am limited to a full-frame equivalent of 37mm, so I will shoot with a vertical composition.

 I don't mind the halation caused by backlighting.
 Let's have lunch based on the high rating on Google Maps.It's a restaurant that suits draft beer.


グーグルマップの高評価をあてにお昼を食べませう 生ビールが似合うお店だ

As expected, you are asking me to try the 820 yen daily set meal. Understood! I feel like I can walk around town with just this lens.

言っておられますね 了解!

Draft beer f/3.2, edamame f/2.5 SS1/60sec, Even with a bright lens, it is low and has plenty of space.I am grateful that it is of high quality and can be used at around ISO500. I don't bend down or stand up, I just sit normally and put the camera on the desk and wait for the next thing.
 He's an adult. He's so cool. I (Teru)

生ビールf/3.2、枝豆f/2.5 SS1/60sec、
大人だなぁ いゃクールだなぁワシ(照)

Treated as an appetizer, the yellowtail is modest, so it must be an adult. As expected, this is a restaurant with high Google ratings. Delicious!
 The content was good and conveyed the spirit of the shop owner.I think I was able to improve myself in some way.The AF-S Nikkor 24mm f/1.8g is a good comrade that can rival smartphones.

さすがグーグル高評価店です 旨い!
店主の心意気が伝わってくる良い内容で御座いました 何か私もワンナップできたように思います AF-S Nikkor 24mm f/1.8gはスマホに並んで対抗できる良き戦友だなぁ


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