White chrysanthemum Onami fox Himetsurusoba

I visit the grave on the first weekend of the year, and I offer flowers and burn incense.The end-of-the-year wind is already blowing.I eat soba, go home, plow the field a little, heat the stove, and take a nap until it gets dark, writing my blog.

 Looking at it this way, I think macro photography is a strength for me. Flowers that grow quickly after consumption seem to be better than food.

墓参りは第1週末と決まって花を供え線香を炊くもう年末風が吹いている 蕎麦を食べ帰って畑を少々耕しストーブ炊いて暗くなるまで仮眠がてらブログを書いている

こうして見るとマクロは自分にとっての強みではなかろうか 消費してもすぐに生えてくる花々は食物にも勝るように思えてきた


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