Portrait lens

It's already here! Single focus 85mmf/1.8 has arrived from Saitama
 Now let's take pictures of people in 2024
 The weak point is that you cannot take close-up photos, and the shortest focal length is 80cm, so it is difficult to take table photos. Since it's an APS-C machine, it takes 1.5x and 130mm close-up shots.If you know these things to be careful about, you won't have to worry.

 However, it's more powerful than I expected. The lens barrel is thick and the lens surface is 67Φ, which is the exact opposite of the wide-angle 24mm 72Φ.

早っもう来たよ!埼玉から単焦点85mmf/1.8がやってきました 2024年は人撮りをする! 
APS-C機なので1.5倍、130mmと大写しになる 注意点はこれくらいかな 知っておけば憂い無し

鏡筒が太くレンズ面は67Φです 広角24mmの72Φとは真逆の様相になります

Immediately fix the tripod and fine-tune the AF. As expected, the result was ±0! Gachipin  For this reason, the genuine one is fine. I will send the SIGMA 17-50 for adjustment after all. The 50mm side is out of range, so

これだから純正はいいぞ SIGMA17-50はやはり調整へ出すことにします50mm側が範囲外なので

The texture of the blanket is amazing. I can look forward to this.
 Is the box the same size as your face?
 I compared it with mine, but mine seems to be a little bigger. It seems best to take pictures of people from a distance of about 2 meters.

 If you understand this much, you will be able to use it immediately.

毛布の質感が凄い これは期待ができます



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