Milky way

I've never seen the Milky Way Tohoho
 He's short-sighted, and he's been looking at his smartphone too much lately, and his eyesight has deteriorated a bit.Tohoho
Even so, I've always wanted to try astrophotography.I wasn't sure if it would work with my equipment.

 Can you take a picture properly!

近眼なもので最近スマホ見すぎで若干視力落ちてきたし老眼もあるものでトホホそれでも星景写真に挑戦したい気持ちは前からありました 自分の機材で果たして写るものか良くわからなかったし‥


16mm f/2.8 ISO1100 SS15sec

When I saw the photo before smartphone correction, I doubted it was a cloud, but I checked it in advance and compared it, so it's okay
 This is it Yatter!

これかぁ ヤッター!

The area around the parking lot will be so bright
 The 15-second exposure is a wide-angle shot, and it's just barely enough for the stars to flow.I have no choice but to move to a dark place.

 Even a thin cloud is very conspicuous when it hangs  I don't understand the Milky Way when this happens  It's a repetition of believing in the release, pressing, and watching

 In the darkness, the tide of Typhoon No. 7 turns into mist and clings to my skin. Sooner or later you'll be kidnapped and make a terrifying sound, Pacific direct yamono ~ hya

15秒露光は広角撮りで星が流れないギリギリのところだ 私が暗い場所へ移動するしかない


真っ暗闇に台風7号の潮が霧になって肌にまとわりつきベトベトします テトラのあちら側は危ないって絶対行ったらイカン!そのうちさらわれるてドドーンと恐ろしい音させて太平洋直やもの〜ひゃ

16mm f/2.8 ISO560 SS15sec

I got a plane, but it's good!
 Both the SIGMA 17-50mm and Nikon DX16-80mm are sufficient equipment.ISO should be 3200-6400 or less as a guide
 Even though I'm a small citizen, I have a big three (laughs).
 But I came to the Irago coast because I was afraid of bears, antelopes, monkeys, and boars. It's dangerous enough here.The best time to see the Milky Way has passed, and the moon will rise soon.

 Tide at high tide See you later


潮時に潮かぶり それではまたね

50mm f/2.8 ISO1250 SS15sec

300mm f/6.3 ISO25600 SS2sec


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