I went to Hiroshima
I came to Itsukushima Shrine on a whim while dreaming, but it was my first time visiting Hiroshima and I wondered what it would be like. That's what I thought, but I was stuck at Hiroshima Port for an hour, so it was just a day trip where I ate Hiroshima-yaki and headed home.
But that's what makes it so much fun. There's something sacred about the unknown. On the other hand, I feel like knowing means desecrating it. Ah, how many sacred places remain for me? Right? Assuming that there is nothing I can't do, I thought deeply about the meaning of making photography my life's work.
You have to put your heart and soul into each photo.
夢うつつ、思いつきで厳島神社に来たのだけど広島は初めて降りてさ どんなんじゃろ?と思ったが広島港で1時間まるっと足止めになったしバタバタと広島焼き食べて帰るだけの日帰り旅行でした
でもそれがとても楽しいんだわ 未知ってさ神聖さが宿っているものだよ 逆に知ることは汚してゆく事なんじゃないかって気がする あぁ僕にとっての神聖な場所はどれだけ残っているんだろ?行けないのは無いと仮定して写真をライフワークにする意味を深く考えた
Yes, Mazda Stadium can be seen from the Shinkansen, and the Atomic Bomb Dome can also be seen briefly.When I got off the train this time, I realized that the streetcar is a very important means of transportation.As I looked at the scenery flowing outside, I realized that I am used to the subway. feels fresh
Ms. Nakajima, who was recently called up to Nadeshiko Japan, was featured and his unstoppable dribbling is amazing. I was happy to see him (lol)
そうマツダスタジアムは新幹線から見えるし原爆ドームもちょっとは見える 今回降りてみて気づいたのは路面電車がとても重要な移動手段になっていることだ 外の流れる景色を見ながら、地下鉄に慣れてる身には新鮮と感じる
なでしこジャパンに最近招集された中嶋さんがラッピングされてるしあの止められないドリブルは凄いよなぁ と推しに嬉しくなりました(笑)
We were finally able to leave the port at 12:25. Good grief Fully booked today
All I had to drink in the morning was Baby Star and alcohol.The smell of grilled oysters is irresistible.I can't stop eating this! Let's try!
そんなこんなでベビースターと酒しか朝から摂取していなかった 牡蠣の焼いた香りがたまりません これは食べずに居られない!
Hey, don't look happy eating paper.
おーい 紙食べて嬉しそうな顔しないでよ
The sun has set (T_T) I'm going home now
I want to go home while there's still a bus from Fujigaoka, and I want to watch the Japan Series on TV tomorrow, so I'll finish off the trip with Hiroshima-yaki.
明日は日本シリーズをテレビ観戦したいからね 〆に広島焼きで有終の美を飾ります
We'll mash it up and then press and fry the soba noodles and eggs, but before that we'll have Koune, a specialty of Hiroshima.It's also a rare part, as only 2kg can be harvested from one cow.
A squeeze of lemon and a little pepper is delicious! I like it better than beef tongue. I'm so happy.
牛タンよりも好きだ ワシ幸せ
We finished off the event with oysters! crackling It's sacred that you don't really know.
My passion for photography was beginning to fade and I was aware that it was dangerous, but this time I was happy. I really enjoyed it, and it made me want to come back to Hiroshima again soon. I changed trains once at Shin-Osaka and was seated in a non-reserved seat. I was able to sit down and go home.I returned home around 10:30pm and offered the Momiji Manju to the Buddhist altar.
写真熱に翳りが生じつつあったしヤバいなとゆう自覚があって でも今回は良かった 素直に楽しめたし、また近いうちに広島に来たいと思えました 新大阪で一度乗り換えて自由席で座って帰れました 22時半頃帰宅、もみじ饅頭を仏壇へ御供えしました
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