Take a facebook cover photo

I've arrived at Makinogaike Green Space. I'm worried that the cover photo for Facebook doesn't fit well. Either I should consider taking a photo with a round profile, or I should just take it as if it doesn't matter at all. I'm thinking about putting it on

牧野ヶ池緑地にやってきました フェイスブックのカバー写真って何気に収まりが悪くて気になるんですよね 丸くプロフが入るもので考慮して撮影するか それか無難にどうでもいいようなのを貼るか?考えてしまう

Well, I tried to show the autumn sky like this. Wide-angle photos taken with half ND8 look good.


I tried taking some photos that looked like they could be used safely, but I thought it would be better to take the overall balance into consideration, so I decided to use one this time.


I ate dandan noodles at a restaurant that just opened in Gokuraku/Seshibo near me.It's expensive, but it's rich and delicious.

お近く極楽・勢子坊にオープンしたて四川料理のお店で担々麺を食べました プライス高めですが濃厚で美味しゅう御座いました


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