Burger king again

Why would I want to walk on a thorny path when I could just sit in a brightly lit seat?The weekend for testing out the prime focus 24mm is over, and of course Burger King will also be subject to testing.I'm looking for realism rather than artificial lighting.

 Isn't it a powerful painting that resembles a grotesque? I wonder if he's prepared to bite into this no matter what he pretends to be? 
He's good!

明るい席につけばいいのにどうして私は茨の道を歩きたがるのだろう単焦点24mmを試す週末も終わりです 当然ここバーガーキングも検証対象になります わざとらしい照明よりもリアルを求めるのさ

グロテスクにも似た迫力満点の絵じゃないかな? なりふり構わずこれにかぶりつく覚悟あるかな うまいぜ!

f/2.2 ISO180 SS1/60sec

f/2.2 ISO280 SS1/60sec


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