Maruyama Town

Set picture control to portrait Capturing the soft and gentle light of early spring into SIGMA17-50mm Natural-skinned uncle plays on public transportation

 Warm weather increases your appetite, right? Beer is good I always start at the nearby city bus stop or water tower. Today I'm heading for Mt. Kakuozan on the Higashiyama subway line.

Arriving at Mt. Kakuozan, there are a few more clouds than Scapare, but the seasonal feeling is engraved in the sky, and the picture is beautiful.

From the post office on Hirokoji-dori, enter the side street and go down gently for about 600m until you reach a set meal restaurant.It's easy, right?



The variety of flowers has increased and winter has passed again. I feel relieved. I'm just grateful for the peaceful days.

 It's an old set meal restaurant. I think the sumo wrestler's handprint and sign are old and brown (lol). Judging from the atmosphere of the town, I'm sure it's delicious.

 It was 1500 yen for a fried shrimp set meal and a medium bottle of beer ((cheap))
 Kishimen and onigiri are salmon.

 It's truly a hidden gem on Mt. Kakuozan. It's a sample of conscience. Thank you for the meal. Of course it was consistently delicious.


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